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Tips to Improve Spoken English Speak in English:- you have to do it,if you want to learn something. You cannot learn a car by reading a book, you have to run it yourself. In the same way, you cannot become a master of considerable speaking capability in English just by reading something, you have to […]
Tips to Improve Spoken English Speak in English:- you have to do it,if you want to learn something. You cannot learn a car by reading a book, you have to run it yourself. In the same way, you cannot become a master of considerable speaking capability in English just by reading something, you have to […]
Tips to Improve Spoken English
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Tips to Improve Spoken English
- Speak in English:- you have to do it,if you want to learn something. You cannot learn a car by reading a book, you have to run it yourself. In the same way, you cannot become a master of considerable speaking capability in English just by reading something, you have to practice it regularly. Speak in English whenever and wherever you get a opportunity. Try to talk in English with parents and friends.
- Speak Confidently:- Confidence is comes by practice. Many times our weaknesses are hidden by our confidence. Try to speak with determination in English. It conveys the idea that you are very much usual with the topic and can obverse simply on it. Small mishandle in words are usually neglect in this case by the listener. The driving factor is our confidence. It’s comparable to saying that “Believe in yourself, if you want others to believe in you“.

Tips to Improve Spoken English
- Are you fluent or are you accurate?:- Fluency and accuracy are the opposite of each other. It is like driving a car, the faster you drive, the more is the opportunity of an accident. Similarly if you think and then speak, then you would be more specific and avoid accidents. On the other-hand speaking steadily demands a very high free flow of ideas in your mind, and opportunities are high that you can stumble in between. Good fluency comes by practice. Try to be fluent while managing accuracy. If you feel that accuracy is getting conciliate, then begin speaking a bit slowly.
- Use a dictionary:- Dictionary is your perfect assistant, always keep one in your pocket. Whenever you encounter any new word, just make a note of it. Moreover the dictionary consist of the phonemes before the meaning of the word. these phonemes are the way to pronounce the word accurately. This will comfort in getting the right pronunciation as well as meaning of words. It is an endless boost to your vocabulary also.
- Choose the right words:- In communication, choice of appropriate words is necessary . If you want to express some idea, then selecting a limited right words can convey the meaning much more effectively. Many times people utilize too many words and sentences to describe even a small topic. This is not a good practice. Try to speak perfectly and to the point. This makes a great effect on the listener, and he can understand the information in much less words. Many sentences can often lead to confusion.
- Don’t be afraid to make mistakes:- without falling,can a child learn to walk? And if the child is anxious of falling, then can he ever learn to walk? The point is clear that without making mistakes,you cannot learn something. Learn from a child, he falls so many times, but each-time he gets up and begin again. This is called true devotion. We all have it, since we all had learned to walk the same style. So where is this dedication right now? Gather your confidence, don’t be anxious to make mistakes. Learn from your mistakes and correct yourself.
- Talk to yourself in English:- Talking to yourself is one of the most efficient method of improving spoken English. This is one action that I still do today. There are many benefits of this. First you do not require anyone to talk, so no issues of anyone laughing at your mistakes. Second you can practice at any time as per your satisfaction.I consider my thoughts with myself in English ,as I talk a lot at night. Third is that you begin to think in English, this is the most important benefit of this activity. When we think in English, then we are capable to communication better since we require not translate it to our native languages each-time.
- Make a sentence from any word you learn:- Try to make a sentence from any word that you find as new or challenging. This helps in better remembering the word. When you make a sentence, then absolutely your brain works to think over the meaning of that word and how it fits into a sentence. You also get addicted to utilizing new words into sentences.
- Record your voice and listen again:- Now this one is an interesting tip to correct spoken English. It need you to record your voice utilizing any tape recorder or even a mobile, and then listen to it again. When first time I tried this activity, I was stunned, I never knew that I sound so confused. This is like a response to you,so as to judge your voice yourself. It’s like a closed loop system, where you afford the output, take some part of it back and utilize that feedback to appropriate yourself for further output. A very efficient style to consider yourself from time to time.
- Avoid using same words again and again:- utilizing same words again and again makes the listener think that you don’t have a good vocabulary and that you are not good in spoken skills. Try to vary words among sentences. This helps to keep the listener confusing and interested. I desire you all must be having televisions in your home. Just have a look at the news channel when they show the flashy “Breaking News”. There they repeat the same news for more that an hour showing the same video clipping, but always utilize different words to express the point of view. This variation of words is the key aspect which associate the listener.
- Involve the listener by asking questions in between:- A conversation is always two sided. If you are offering a seminar or presentation or even talking to someone, keep asking small questions to them. This assure that they are paying consideration to what you are saying, secondly this also insures that they are interested in your speech or not. The listeners are automatically involved in the communication procedure and the session becomes more lively.
- Be a good listener:- If you want to be a good speaker then listening is very essential. Have you ever thought that why is it that all people who are deaf by birth are also dumb, though the reverse is not true. It is easily because if a person is deaf by birth, then he has not listened to any voice since he was born. Basically his brain did not know what sound is, and is therefore not able to speak. For speaking we must know of the accurate sounds, phonemes and pronunciation of words. Being a good listener comfort us to obtain this. It has many other benefits like, it confidence the other person to converse more. It is also a signal that you are interested in what the other person is saying.
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- Don’t use accent, just sound natural:- Many movies show there stars utilizing some or the other accent. In practical life this sounds really bad. Don’t destroy your voice by putting any needless accent. Just try to continue natural. Natural speech and sound is the perfect form to conversation.
- Speak Slowly:- Have you ever observed that most of the politicians speak slowly, and yet they are very powerful speakers. Speaking slowly provide the listener time to understand what you have said, so he is better prepared for the coming words and can describe to them. Moreover speaking slowly afford you time to think over your own words. You get extra time to perfectly rephrase your sentence so as to make the best impact. The choice of words is commonly much better when we speak deliberately.
- Stress on punctuations:- Punctuations can reversal the meaning of sentences. Many people speak sentences in a flow, and they do not even bother to stress the appropriate punctuations. The listener generally gets a distracted or wrong instructions in this case. These scheme could be avoided by giving due respect to the punctuations. Just have look at the example below :-
- The gangster dropped the bullet in his head.
- The gangster dropped, the bullet in his head.
- Pronounce the beginning and ending of words correctly:- It is a essential tip for English communication. If you speak the beginning and ending of any word accurately, then your words will be very clear to the listener. Most of the time we speak the beginning of the word accurately, but jumps over the ending part of the word. This make the pronunciation a bit tricky and the listener is not able to clearly understand our words. Just consideration that how the good speakers pronounce each and every word so clearly. It is this beauty of accuracy that makes them admirable orators.
- Think in English:- This is the basic rule to inverse in English. Thinking in English helps to avoid translating thoughts from native language to English and vice versa while communicating. Our thinking must come in English just as they come in our native language. It is in fact the most essential tip of all the tips specified. The best section is that we listen think and then speak. If the listening and speaking are in English, then thinking in native language desires translation. This slows the communication procedure, and forces us to fill gap words like “hmmmmm”, “errrrr”, etc. If the thinking procedure is also in English then the complete cycle is in English and in fact is very fast.
- Read newspaper loudly:- Reading of English newspapers helps correct grammar and vocabulary, but reading them loudly helps in correcting spoken English. The target is to stretch our mouth muscles so they get used to speaking English words. Moreover our mind gets trained that yes we can speak these words with courage.
- Keep checking Internet for more information:- For more information and material keep checking on the internet. It might appear that you are capable to get some good audios, or tutorials to correct Spoken English. Most of the material online is free, so no require to pay for anything. Just practice at the relaxation of your home, but be dependable.
- How to improve vocabulary:- Vocabulary plays a essential role in any communication. A limited or small vocabulary effort the speaker to utilize the same words again and again. A good vocabulary comfort the public speaker to vary the words among sentences so as to keep the listener interested. Building vocabulary is a bit hard. The way I had upgraded my vocabulary is discussed in detail in this article. I maintained this by select a small dictionary of around 2000 words. Regular practice and flexibility helped me improve my vocabulary massively. Later a time came when my friends used to assign me for any word they encounter. They begin calling me human dictionary. The respect you get after any achievement is enough to retain you motivated.
- Join a personality development program:- PDP or personality development programs are very natural in almost each city. Examine joining them if you require a class of learners and teacher’s guidance. PDP courses help in grooming the overall personality as well as spoken skills. These programs work on determination building, how to present yourself, oral communication, etc. So overall they afford good service for the money that you pay to them. You may check in your area for a assumed course provider.
- Listen English Songs:- English songs are a great source of good English audios. Do listen to English songs for getting more and more confirmed to the style.English words are pronounced. The more songs you listen and understand the lines, the perfect would be your understanding of the language. Try to get the lyrics of songs also, so that you can understand any word in case of difference.
READ MORE AT – How to improve your spoken English: 8 tips
- Sing English songs loudly:- Singing songs is a pass time that we do occasionally. It is so common that most of the time we do not even know that we are singing songs. We may utilize this pass time to correct our communication. Try singing English songs loudly. One activity multiple advantages. For singing you must know the song. Knowing the song involve that you are capable to pronounce the words in the sentences of that song. It automatically include a clear understanding of the song. Singling it loudly is again a brain tuning exercise by which we help our brains gain confidence in speaking English words and sentences.
- Grammar is important:- While speaking in English, sometimes grammar can be escape. But if you want to make a real good impact, then work on your grammar. Grammar is very essential for written communication, and should be correctly used while speaking. Poor grammar depicts poor control of the language and amplify your weakness in the language. Get a good English grammar book. We utilized to study from Wren and Martin for English Grammar. You may get anyone that suits you. Commemorate that no one can learn all the grammar rules by heart. Just try to gain a relaxation level so that you do not face issues in regular conversations.
- Watch English Movies:- If you like to watch movies, then you will like this technique. Get some good English DVD’s with English subtitles. Play the movie along with friends or family. Keep a tab on the subtitles and how the performer pronounce them. It comfort us to get the right pronunciation of words and also there handling in sentences.
- Watch English channels on television:- English channels such as Discovery, Star World,National Geographic, BBC etc. are good sources of English conversation. Specially, I like the style the speakers communicate in the Discovery channel. There voice is very clear. They speak casually so that we get enough time to understand, and also they use very good English to communicate. On the other hand BBC is mainly for advanced users. The speaks on BBC are very persuasive in English. Television is a great source, utilize it.
- Read a lot of English material:- Read as enough you can in English. Try English magazines, comics newspaper ,novels anything that draws your interest. The more we read in English, the better our grammar, vocabulary and thinking process in English becomes. The more we read, the more we consider over it. Try to understand and read, don’t just read for the well being of reading. The meaning of words and sentences must be clear, otherwise this action will be wasted.
- Write a diary:- A very nice style to build thinking in English ability is to begin writing a diary. Just begin a diary and write down all the thoughts that come to your mind. The topic is not essential, but you must think in English only. At the beginning ,the procedure will be slow, but slowly it catches speed and you will be capable to think much faster in English.
- Don’t be shy to ask for help:- I heard somewhere that asking for help is a signal of strength and not weakness. A person requires confidence to ask for help, and only the strong are capable to ask someone for help. The weak ones are too shy to come onward. So do not be hesitant to ask for help. Almost everyone will come forward to help you. Our teachers, parents and friends all care for us, and they do comfort us whenever we ask them for.
- Do not translate while speaking:- Translation moderate the communication. We have a manner of translating everything from English to our native language. The previous we get rid of this habit, the better it is for us. Avoid translating while speaking as this creates a very bad impact on the other person. It becomes clear to the other person that you are translating and then responding, it suggest that you are not good in spoken English.
- Watch English Programs on TV:- Television is a considerable source of comfort for Oral communication improvement. There are various English programs coming round the clock. I use Mind Your Language, Friends, etc. All these programs are a considerable source of quality English audios and videos, and you get them for almost free.
- Avoid bluffing sites and material:- Internet is vast and deep. You will get enough of material online. Don’t be bluffed with sites that show you conversation between two people and claim that your spoken English will be improved by this. It’s as easy as telling someone who wants to learn car driving to read a car manual to learn how to drive it. You require to listen proper English for getting proper pronunciation. These bluffing sites can hamper your growth procedure as they misdirect the learning procedure.
- Test yourself from time to time:- It is challenging to test our-self, but is very important to consider our-self. Participate in English quizzes, Seminars, presentations whenever desirable. Take these problems and they will show you your encourage level in speaking. If you are still afraid in giving a presentation in English, it means that your confidence level is low and need to be increase. Try few exercise such as borrow money from someone in English. Borrowing money need good conversation and important skills. To see the results yourself,Just try it with your friends or parents.
- Don’t expect to see results instantaneously:- to show improvements in your speech it will take some time. Don’t assume to become a big speaker by the end of 3rd day. It’s a long process and requires continuous struggle. So much people begin the improvement activity for English communication with full force, but their energy levels are gone by the end of 2nd or 3rd day. A baby also takes time to grow up, you don’t assume it to start going to office when it is one year old. Everything require time to improve and grow. Confess the spoken English skills to develop inside you.
- Use Divide and rule approach:- Do not stress yourself with too heavy targets. Make realistic targets which you can accomplish in some time duration. Break the time for the sub-tasks involved in achieving your goal. The key is to make a large task appear small, by dividing it into small and simple tasks. Take one step at a time, don’t try to run in the starting.
- Enjoy whatever you do:- Try to enjoy the learning procedure. If you take it as a stress, then it will be a very uninteresting activity for you. Make it your affection, and you will automatically become a very fluent English speaker. You like to play games, then you will be a perfect gamer. You like to cook food, the you will be a good chef. You like to improve your spoken English, then you will absolutely be a good speaker.
- Be consistent:- I kept this tip last, because this is the control of Improving Spoken English skills. Try to be dependable in the learning procedure. We require food daily for our stomach and body. The learning procedure is the food for our brains. Control flexibility to get the best results from your brain.
Select the tips that you feel best suits your require. Do post comments in case you want to make any opinions or addition.
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