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Chandigarh Info

Latest Version of PHP 7.0

The latest version of PHP 7.0 is going to be launched in the market with its attractive features and impressive performance. According to PHP training in Chandigarh, PHP has a market share of 81.5%. Among all PHP versions, 98.7%  PHP sites are utilizing PHP V5.

However, the latest PHP version expects better performance of all previous versions.

If your site is created on PHP based Content Management System like WordPress, Joomla, Magento, and Drupal, Then this is the best time to upgrade your website because PHP 7.0 is a complete package of amazing and cutting edge features

PHP 7 is still in the development stage and a completed version will be released in November. But you can download its most recent beta version and experiment it on your site to test what will and what will won’t work for your site. It will help you to completely set up your site for the full form of PHP 7.0.



The first beta of PHP 7.0 was released in July 2015 along with the announcement of releasing full version of PHP 7.0 on November 12, 2015.

7 things you need to know about PHP latest version 7.0.

1. The Name

PHP 6 was relied upon to be a major release but the project failed due to several bugs. The performance was not even up to the mark. However, people confused the latest version of PHP with modified PHP 6.0. The dispute was resolved by naming the latest version as PHP Version 7.0 instead of PHP version 6.0.

2. Zend Powered PHPNG

Since 1999, Zend Engine has been utilized to control up PHP. It was launched when fourth version of PHP was released. Zend Engine II was launched along with the introduction of PHP Version 5.0. PHP latest version is powered with Zend New Generation. This is the reason it is also called PHPNG.

PHPNG supports almost all extensions except the following.

  • Interbase
  • OCI8

3. Abstract Syntax Tree

Abstract Syntax Tree or AST has already been actualized in PHP 7.0. It enables you to implement Syntax in intermediary structure easily. It enables you to emit opcodes directly from parser and remove a number of hacks to make implementation easier.

The utilization of AST will bring both of you essential primary advantages.

  • Firstly, it makes maintenance of parser and compiler easier.
  • Secondly,it enables you to decouple syntax choices from other technical issues.

4. Facilitating Error Handling

Handling catchable and fatal errors in PHP has never been easier than in PHP 7.0. PHP updates show that the new Engine Exceptions will replace old mistakes from PHP V5. So as to additionally facilitate the users, the Exception Base Class does not extend in the new Engine Exceptions.

This way, it gives you two different types of exceptions to handle the errors. The first one is traditional error handling and the second one is Engine Exceptions.

5. Cloud Computing Solutions

Zend has partnered with globally reputed cloud computing systems to enable its users to make their applications portable. With cloud computing solutions, you won’t just have the able to retrieve or extract your files, but you will also be able to exchange your files from one cloud to another cloud server whenever you need.

This PHP7 development with Zend will facilitate Ecommerce stores. Without affecting speed and performance of your web store, you will be able to grow lightweight sites along with keeping your data protected and secure. It will also enable the entrepreneurs to store their company data with optimized security.

6. 64-Bit Windows Support System

PHP is primarily naïve Linux member yet the clients can likewise run it on Windows  systems. PHP 5.X series didn’t give 64-bit Windows support system but PHP 7.0 does provide this support. Along with improving PHP 7.0 performance,  it will enable the sites to support native 64-bit integers as well as large files.

The 64-bit Windows support system is in experimental stage. If the experiment is successful then the users will be able to confidently continue running their sites with new new versions of Windows in future also.

7. Doubled Speed

The PHP New Generation Engine has been conceived on the idea of ​​better speed. With Just-in-Time (JIT) compilation, you can quickly run compilations instead of waiting for execution time. According to Zend, this PHP7 development will offer improved PHP 7 performance in two different ways.

  • Firstly, it will enable you to serve a similar number of  users or traffic load however by utilizing less servers.
  • Secondly, the code of your site will be executed quicker.

According to the official site of Zend, PHP 7 will be 2X quicker.

PHP 7.0 is also significant to cleaner site for quicker speed. For improving the speed and site performance, PHP 7 operates by cleaning the environment in two distinctive ways.

  • It removes the usefulness which had been deprecated in PHP 5.0 version.
  • This removes dead SAPI and extensions or those who do not support PHP 7.0. Here’s a complete understanding of how it removes dead SAPI.

When upgrading to PHP latest version, remember that PHP 7.0 will break the code of any running legacy application. PHP 7.0 will also come up with surprises for developers including Combined Comparison Spaceship Operator and Declarations and Scalar Type Hints. With every one of these innovations and development, managing your PHP created site will become easier than ever.

Read More AT – php training in chandigarh