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Industrial training in Chandigarh

Industrial training in Chandigarh

Industrial training in Chandigarh

As we know, industrial training is the part of the engineering, MBA, BBA, BCA & MCA students. There is a way difference between the working scenario in an Industry & are Engineering Course curriculum or other field. So students generally face many problems even after they are placed. Industrial Training in Chandigarh is the best location for industrial training, as we know many IT/Accounting companies situated here that helps students to boost their career in their interested field.

It has been widely reported that university graduates need to be better prepared for the workplace. So, what better way to do this then let students experience doing real work while they are still studying? The main reason for industrial training is to well prepared students for jobs according to industry need.  

To help Students get a Practical View of how work is done in MNC’s, many companies provide training on various fields that MBA, BBA, MCA, BCA & Engineering Students want. This type of training not only helps the Students to learn the Practical aspects of the theoretical education they are preparing for, but also grooms them in becoming Future Managers.


industrial training in chandigarh

With the occurrence of Globalization, the whole scenario has changed. More and more companies are start working with foreign countries. When we talk about CA, there are so many companies are situated in India these days. So, demand for accountant increasing day by day and CA wants students that work professionally & have proper knowledge about accounts or we can say have experience in their field. So, in this case if we do industrial training then we gain more knowledge or experience in our field and work with any MNC.

Industrial training can also help students to adopt leadership qualities, teamwork and responsibility to execute a given task at proper time. They learn to follow rules and regulations of company, so it maintain discipline ability between students.

Today, i am discuss about the institutes that provide Industrial training in Chandigarh location.There are so many institutes in Chandigarh for industrial training. Here, we discuss about some of them :

CBitss Technologies is the best industrial training institute in Chandigarh. They have well experienced industry expert that help or teach students in their training. For more information you can visit their website –

CSIR/CSIO is a central scientific instruments organisation. It is multi dimensional industrial research & development organisation. It provide industrial training on various fields. For more details, visit here :

NITTTR  institute is started in collaboration with Government. This institute also meet the requirements of engineering students and accounting students. Read more for further details, click here :

Finally, through industrial training student can catch this as a challenge and test their dedication and thinking capacity when facing a decision making situation/positions. So, we can say that Industrial training is a great and valuable experience for students.