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Dubbo Java RPC project graduates to Apache top level status

Dubbo Java RPC project graduates to Apache top level status

High-performance, lightweight RPC structure offers fault tolerance, load adjusting, runtime directing, and automatic service enrollment and discovery


The Apache Software Foundation has advanced its Java-based remote technique call (RPC) structure, Apache Dubbo, from hatchery to top-level Project status. Dubbo incorporates interface-based remote call, adaptation to non-critical failure, smart burden adjusting, and programmed administration enlistment and disclosure.


Like other RPC frameworks, Dubbo depends on the idea of defining a service, i.e. specifying methods to be called remotely with their parameters and return types. On the server, Dubbo implements the interface and listens for client calls.  On the customer, a stub gives indistinguishable techniques from the server. Other specific features of Dubbo include:

  • Support for multiple load balancing strategies, with downstream service status used to reduce latency and boost system throughput.
  • Support for service registries that can detect services offline or online.
  • A microkernel and plug-in design that can be extended by third-party implementation across core features including protocol, serialization, and transport.
  • Runtime traffic routing, which can be configured so traffic can be routed based on rules. This supports capabilities including data center routing and blue-green deployment. Blue-green is a change management strategy for devops that is similar to AB testing.
  • Envisioned administration, with apparatuses for undertakings including questioning of wellbeing status, administration metadata, and measurements.

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Dubbo Java RPC


The most common way to run Dubbo is within the Spring Framework, although Dubbo also can be run within an API configuration. Dubbo was open-sourced by e-commerce company Alibaba and has been used by other companies, including China Life and China Telecom.


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